Choosing Fabric for Fabric Collage

Of course, while I must admit that I have such a broad taste in color and design that my husband sometimes says it amounts to no taste at all (I prefer to describe my taste as “eclectic”), I do have some broad guidelines for how I select fabric. If I had to break it down, I might use the following criteria: color, pattern, scale, and quantity.
More Choosing Fabric for Fabric Collage

An Eye for an Eye

Imagine you’re in one of my five-day classes. You’ve chosen an ambitious project: a fabric collage portrait of an important person in your life. But this is day two of the class. You’ve learned some stuff: You can use glue with fabric. You’re beginning to understand how value determines form. You’ve chosen a great photo to work … More An Eye for an Eye

Why Glue?

“You use glue? Really?” I get asked about it a lot and the questions usually fall into one of three categories: why adhesive at all, why not fusible, and how do you do it? … More Why Glue?